It is absolutely frustrating that when stubborn acne finally goes away, it leaves behind scars to torment you for a lifetime. Acne scars and pimple marks are a hindrance in your way to getting flawless skin. Well, these acne scars are sometimes inflammatory or non-inflammatory. Either whiteheads or blackheads are non-inflammatory acne scars. Whilst, nodules, cysts, papules, and pustules are the type of inflammatory acne scars. Non-inflammatory acne scars might not really affect your skin with prolonged scars but inflammatory scars will leave a scar for your life. Luckily, we might know some effective ways that could help you get rid of acne scars permanently. Try some natural home remedies that can slowly but surely eliminate acne scars and give you spotless beautiful skin.

Here are some ways to heal acne scars naturally :- 

  • Lemon Juice :- Lemon juice is one option that works to eliminate the discoloration of acne scars. Often these scars will appear darker than the surrounding skin. Lemon juice has natural lightening properties that can work to minimize these differences. Simply use lemon juice as a toner, applied directly to the scars using a cotton ball or Q-tip.

  •  Aloe Vera :- There are many skin benefits of Aloe Vera Gel. It is a natural option that works to heal skin. Not only can Aloe Vera reduce the appearance of scars with continued use, it can increase skin’s elasticity and reduce wrinkles. You don’t need much, only about one teaspoon applied to the skin daily to see noticeable results. 

  • Olive Oil :- Olive oil contains vitamins A, K, and D, which are all good for improving skin tone and encouraging healing. Also, it contains antioxidants that can aid in repairing scars caused by acne. Be aware, however, if you still suffer from existing acne, olive oil could trigger breakouts and is best left for non-oily skin.

  • Cucumber Juice :- Cucumber juice is another natural astringent. This means it can help you remove dirt and oils from the surface of the skin and prevent breakouts. And because it also has anti-inflammatory properties, it may reduce redness associated with acne scars and acne in general. Take one Cucumber grate it and extract it juice in a blow, apply this juice on scars with the help of cotton balls.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar :- There are many benefits of Apple cider vinegar. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of apple cider will reduce inflammation and scarring. Of course, it’s the one ingredient which is been used for multiple purposes from weight loss to skin care treatments .Dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in some water proportion. Add a tablespoon of honey and mix all the ingredients well. Using a Q-tip dab some solution over affected areas. Do this treatment several times a day for effective results.

  • Potato :- Potato contains catecholate, an enzyme that has natural bleaching properties. It can naturally lighten the skin by eliminating acne scars, get rid of dark circles or pigmentation but not hyperpigmentation. Crush a potato in a blender and extract juice from it. Now, dip a cotton pad into potato juice and dab it on your scars. Let the juice on your face dry and wash off. Repeat this several times a week. 


  1. This information is highly valuable. I really appreciate it.


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