
Showing posts from April, 2021


With oily skin and acne, you're probably not always in love with your skin. But oily skin isn't all bad. One bonus—your oily skin is reduce wrinkle chances than dry skin types.  Still, oily skin, and the acne breakouts that often come with it, can be frustrating. With the right care, you can tame oily shine, improve   acne , and learn to embrace your skin type. E veryone’s skin pores have sebaceous gland that produces sebum, which hydrates your skin. If produced in excess, your skin constantly looks shiny and oily and you experience frequent onset of pimples. HERE ARE SOME WAYS TO TREAT OILY SKIN   Sandalwood and Turmeric :- Applying the paste of these Ayurvedic powders can help you effectively deal with oily skin . Mix equal amounts of these powders and add water or lemon to create a paste. Spread it evenly on your face and neck. Wash off using normal water after around 10 minutes. Aloe Vera :- There are many benefits of Aloe Vera gel .  Growing an Aloe Vera plant at home is


The hair is naturally coated with a layer of oil or sebum released by the sebaceous glands in the hair follicles. This layer of oil protects the hair from damage and dryness.  However, various factors can strip the oil of the hair, such as the use of styling tools, exposure chemicals, extreme weather conditions, and certain medical conditions.  Irrespective of the cause, it is important to improve your hair care routine to help manage dry hair in order to prevent hair damage and complications. J ust to look classy in parties, people try various hair styles and harsh products, which damage the natural beauty of hair. It is necessary that hair problems, like hair fall, split ends, dry hair, dandruff, itchy scalp, etc. should be treated somehow to maintain proper health of hair. Dry hair is a very common problem in today’s generation. Instead of taking several hair treatments, try some natural home remedies  Natural treatment for dry hair :-  Curry Leaves :- Curry leaves are not just a g


Dandruff is a small but highly niggling problem that can spoil a happy occasion in a matter of minutes. Caused by the fungus Malassezia, Dandruff is a result of a dry and  itchy scalp in men  and women. While many amongst us resort to an anti-dandruff shampoo to solve this problem, that you can also address this issue with the help of many easy to implement home remedies , home remedies for dandruff are highly effective.  some common causes of Dandruff: Stress Illnesses such as eczema , Irregular and wrong methods of brushing Improper diet Irregular hair shampooing Some easy home remedies to remove dandruff: Baking Soda The noble and straightforward baking soda can act as an effective remedy to combat Dandruff. All you need to do is dampen your hair and sprinkle a handful of baking soda on your scalp. Rub vigorously. Post the exercise, go for a quick rinse, but avoid shampooing. Initially, after a few sessions, you feel your hair dry. But eventually, your scalp will start producing na


It is absolutely frustrating that when stubborn acne finally goes away, it leaves behind scars to torment you for a lifetime. Acne scars and pimple marks are a hindrance in your way to getting flawless skin.  Well, these acne scars are sometimes inflammatory or non-inflammatory. Either whiteheads or blackheads are non-inflammatory acne scars. Whilst, nodules, cysts, papules, and pustules are the type of inflammatory acne scars.  Non-inflammatory acne scars might not really affect your skin with prolonged scars but inflammatory scars will leave a scar for your life.  Luckily, we might know some effective ways that could help you get rid of acne scars permanently. Try some natural home remedies that can slowly but surely eliminate acne scars and give you spotless  beautiful skin. Here are some ways to heal acne scars naturally :-  Lemon Juice :- Lemon juice   is one option that works to eliminate the discoloration of acne scars. Often these scars will appear darker than the surrounding


Blackheads are a type of non-inflammatory acne that causes unsightly bumps on the nose and face to appear. Blackheads develop when excess oil (sebum) blocks the skin’s pores and turns a brownish-black color when exposed to the air. If the blocked pore or hair follicle becomes infected with bacteria, a pimple or a pustule will form and cause red, pus-filled bumps to appear that are typical of acne conditions. There are many natural home remedies that can help to reduce the appearance of blackheads on your face. Natural treatments to remove blackheads use natural ingredients to gently exfoliate the skin to unblock pores and draw out excess sebum. Other home remedies for bumps on face include natural peeling agents to dissolve dead skin cells and remove a buildup of oil. Here are some ways to get rid of blackheads :-  Oatmeal :- The mixture of oatmeal and yogurt is incredible for keeping your skin free of zits or blackheads. You will get a magical result just after using this mask as it w


Dark circles can affect both men and women. Now there are many reasons for dark circles to appear under your eyes; from stress , lack of sleep, hormonal changes, a disturbed lifestyle, hereditary and many more. But if not treated on time, they will not only dull your overall appearance, it can also lead to serious health issues. Though chemical based products helps in getting rid of them, but then there are many who have an extremely sensitive skin and only pure home remedies can help them. T here are specific home remedies which can help in curing the dark circles. And the best part: They are as easy to use as well as very effective. Here are some easy and natural way to get rid of dark circles :-  Aloe Vera :- There are many benefits of Aloe Vera Gel . It  has nourishment pigments. It is known for making the skin healthier and brings a glow to the face.  Apply Aloe Vera gel under the eyes over the dark circles and massage for a minute.  Leave it overnight and wash with cold water i


Thick, full, and glossy tresses are every woman’s dream. But, several factors may lead to massive hair loss, which can be really embarrassing in the long run. We all may be hunting for a quick solution for this problem, but if you know that most home remedies work great in reducing hair loss but they do it gradually. Here are some natural ways to reduce hair fall ;- Aloe Vera gel:- There are many benefits of Aloe Vera gel . Pure aloe gel or aloe juice can be applied directly to the scalp. Aloe is an amazing home remedy for hair loss due to a dry or infected scalp. After massaging the scalp with juice or gel, wait for a few hours and wash it off with lukewarm water. Combine Aloe Vera with organic triphala powder and use on your hair for 3-6 months to treat hair loss. This will truly help you in reducing hair fall. Oil massage ;- Regular massage of hair and scalp with warm oil stimulates the blood flow and helps hair follicles produce new hairs at enhanced rates. You can use coconut oil

6 Natural Ways To Moisturize Dry Skin

The list of reasons that can cause  dry skin  is a long one, from daily bathing habits (think hot showers and scrubbing yourself dry with a towel) and wicked winter weather to a lack of natural oils in your skin as you age.  The good thing is that   to heal your dry skin is  a natural remedy to your skin-care routine at home. In fact, the ingredients for these dry-skin remedies might already be in your kitchen.   Here are some natural ways to moisturize dry skin :- Olive Oil :- A great natural oil to use is olive oil, which works as a natural cleanser and moisturizer. Just rub the oil into your skin and drape a warm, damp cloth over your face until it cools then wipe away the excess oil. Olive oil is a good choice as a cleanser because it won't strip your skin’s natural oils, but it will clean your skin. Av ocado:- Avocado is another natural way to soothe dry skin. Take pureeing half an avocado and mixing it with 1 teaspoon (tsp) of olive oil; you can also add 1 tablespoon of honey